vegetable garden
cow and calf grazing
heron flying over the pond
tree turning colors in the fall

Welcome to Rolling Knolls RV Park, an RV park with a homesteading flair.

We are now open!

sunflower with a bee on it

Rolling Knolls RV Park offers outstanding seasonal camping in the mild climate of deep East Texas. We are a family oriented, seasonal RV park with four sites currently and room to grow. Our highly selective leasing requirements enable our tenants to live in a safe environment. We want you to call Rolling Knolls your new home.

We offer enough private green space at each site to grow your own vegetable garden and/or raise chickens or rabbits, if you choose. To that end, we keep an Idea Garden to promote gardening education. We also raise grass fed Aberdeen Angus cattle, chickens, ducks, rabbits, and goats for ourselves. If you are interested, you may learn from us how we raise and harvest our farm animals.

Our sites are designed to accommodate rigs of any size. Each site has its own fenced yard and 10’x20’ deck. Every site has water, full sewer hook up, metered electric and free satellite Wi-Fi. We also have an onsite laundry facility. We are located 1.1 miles from the town of Timpson, population 989.

Timpson has a grocery store, post office, hardware store, restaurants, gas station, medical clinic, library and churches. We are surrounded by large acreage tracts consisting of cattle ranches and timber.

Timpson, Texas is within easy and convenient reach of several colleges, three hospitals, fine restaurants, antique shops, public golf courses, fishing and boating. We are located 30 minutes from Nacogdoches and 1 hour from Tyler.

your hosts, David and Jean Dixon

Your hosts, David and Jean Dixon

On Site Amenities

Wide level sites with ample green space between neighbors
Full hookups at each site
Free Wi-Fi
Fenced yard for each site, approximately 1350SF
10x20 deck
Fire pit
Laundry facility
Harvest Right Freeze Dryer on site for use with your own produce
Idea garden (vegetables, fruit, pollinators for East Texas)
Picnic area with horseshoes and cornhole

On Site Activities

Farm to Table welcome meal
Gardening on your own site
Raising chickens and/or rabbits on your site
Freeze drying any of your harvest or purchased foods
Catch and release fishing

Animals grazing on the field at sunset

2024 Camping Rates

Rolling Knolls RV Park is primarily a Seasonal camping resort; however, we do offer weekly and monthly campsites depending on availability.


All monthly rentals have a $150.00 non-refundable deposit, and a one time charge of $30.00 (1 person) or $50.00 (2 people) for a background check.
Seasonal campers will be required to obtain an electricity account with Deep East Texas Electric Co-op (DETEC).
Rates are subject to change.

Site Map

Rolling Knolls RV Park Site Map

Click to view map as PDF.


  1. 2 vehicles are allowed per site, neither may protrude into the road.
  2. Speed limit 5 mph on park road.
  3. Pets on leashes unless inside your own fenced area.
  4. No cutting of trees or brush.
  5. Visitors must register at office.
  6. Quiet hours: 10pm to 8am
  7. Children: You are responsible for all children registered to your site.
  8. No washing of vehicles or RV on site.
  9. Campfires inside fire pit only and must be kept small. You are responsible for any damage caused by a campfire on your site.
  10. No obscene language, disorderly conduct, or loud music, TV’s or devices.
  11. Alcoholic beverages on your site only.
  12. Please dispose of your trash in the dumpster by the entrance. Trash pickup is Tuesday. Any meat scraps must be frozen and placed in trash on Tuesday morning.

General Conditions:

The camper and members of his/her group, including guests, agree that in consideration of the RV site rental, Rolling Knolls RV Park shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to any property, or injury to any person, occurring in or about the grounds owned by Rolling Knolls RV Park or owned by David and Jean Dixon. All campers argree to indemnify and save Rolling Knolls RV Park harmless from all claims and liability for losses of or damages to property, or injury to persons occurring in or about the campground. For more information, inquire at the office.

Travel Directions

Please use the interactive map to find your directions to Rolling Knolls RV Park.

Area Attractions

Rolling Knolls is about a half hour drive to historic Nacogdoches, the oldest town in Texas! Visit the following sites to learn more about what’s happening.
The Tourist Checklist - Things To Do in Nacogdoches
Texas Highways - Daytripper Visits to Nacogdoches

We’re a bit further out from Tyler, and a similar trip in the other direction to Shreveport, LA. The following links have some information to help you decide if you would like to make a day trip.
Tour Texas - Things To Do in Tyler
Shreveport/Bossier Things To Do

In the late 1800’s, the HE&WT railroad went through four small towns in east Texas; Tenaha, Timpson, Bobo and Blair. The towns were so small that by the time the conductor called the last stop, the train was already through all four towns. So the conductor started calling out all four towns before the first stop. The phrase had a ring to it, and the story goes that during World War I, a National Guard unit composed of men from Shelby County started using the phrase in place of “hup, two, three, four” to honor their hometowns. That spread the chant further out into the world, where dice players started using it for good luck when trying to roll double fives. Country singer Tex Ritter wrote a song by the same name in the 1940’s, which memorialized the phrase even more. Tex Ritter grew up one county over from Shelby County, and is the father of actor John Ritter, of sitcom “Three’s Company” fame.

Online Reservation Inquiry

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Important: e7Yo32u may 4be3 mbaking usee of auto6mateded feofarfm-feil03l7bing4 software. Tchis type of softwa8re 5can t3rigg1ere4c our hdifdd9e8n s5pam-2d92etectibon csystem,a 0which bwi8ll4d blo3ck y943o5u fdro6m seubmitti9ng02 this7 f3fordm. Plea4se select cFidx eThisf98cfe069bfde8e9 32a773bb97b09bef5a87o7da8ac0fre6ee8 f61cd4bc8fbf44bc5a44c60f442ompble8ting td2aahe87 fo31fr04048m in 0ao54rccde1r 64t8o4d c106or0rect8cbf858 c9th21e 87p361b9r191o02blemce.
Important: You 8may5 be making use boef automated form-fil3ldifng software.d Thcis type coaf sofatware ca3an trigger our h78ei5dden 1spam-detecti8on5 system, cw3bhi8ch wil2l blofcbk y8ou from submittin3g this for34m. 8dIt app1ears 571that the p3roblem 9c8oculbd6 not8 be 8aut7omatically9 co4rrect5ed. dPleasc4e calecar any fie5lffd which appears abfove 9wit7h co1rresponding insb6tructions7b234 892dad280bc1ab74beebf6469ff14cf803do6f517rc252cbe1582824b5024 7cd2c8ompletin6gb 922the8 formd in 301orderb 49to2f correactd the p9rob2lem. We 7apol65edogized forfc t3he i6n944cdoabnaven498ieen2cde andd we61d apd1preciadt7e b7your11 und2e5r6s199tandd2i2ng.
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